Shiva Bala Yogi

Namaste & Welcome

Shiva Bala Yogi is a a yogi, one who attained God realization through meditation in samadhi (complete absorption in pure awareness)

Shiva Bala Yogi

He is a guide to our inner guru, our inner Self, Shiva. The outside guru is a yogi. The inner guru is God, Shankara Bhagwan [Shiva].” Shivabalayogi completed twelve years of intense meditation in 1961, and since then, and continuing after dropping his own physical body in 1994, he has been giving blessings, healing, miracles, spiritual experiences and guidance. His emphasis is to encourage and empower people to meditate and experience the truth directly.

Shiva is a name of God, God in the form of a yogi, the inner guru, the Ultimate Self. Shiva is a yogi. Shiva is a muni [an ancient yogi].”

Shiva Bala Yogi offers the gift of dhyana meditation to everyone regardless of origin, background, religion or beliefs. He gives initiation in the attitude of a friend and without obligation. The spiritual power he confers at initiation and the regular practice of dhyana meditation deepens whatever spiritual path, relationship or commitment we wish to pursue.

“Know the truth through meditation. Then you yourself will know who you are, your religion, your purpose, and your nature. Do not believe what others say and become a slave to religious prejudices.” ~ Shiva Bala Yogi

To learn more about Shivabalayogi, meditation, yoga, and his powerful meditation technique, see any of the following links in the Overview menu.

His Life

It was the day when Sathyaraju, a fourteen-year-old boy from a poor village family, attained enlightenment (samadhi) and began the transformation into a yogi. After twelve years of intense tapas (spiritual austerities) meditating 23 hours a day, not returning to ordinary consciousness for months at a time, he emerged as a liberated God-realized soul. This is his story of how it began, in his own words and based on his own descriptions.

His Message

Although Shri Swamiji never preached doctrine or gave lectures, he enjoyed talking with devotees and answering their questions, and many such conversations with Shri Swamiji have been recorded. When devotees pressed him on his philosophy, he often suggested The Yoga Vasishta, the ancient text which preserves the instructions of the yogi Vasishta to the young prince Rama, the great incarnation (avatar) of Lord Vishnu. Through Vasishta’s own Self realization and the power of his discourses over several days, Lord Rama attained Self realization. Swamiji’s own philosophy, he explains, is the same as that in The Yoga Vasishta.

Eastern & Western Traditions

Shiva is not a Hindu. He is for all the worlds but in each world they picture him according to their imagination. It depends on their moods and emotions.

"Whatever Christ taught and preached, that’s exactly what Swamiji teaches and preaches. So automatically people will start believing more in Christ and will follow the path of Christ. But if you mean following what the Pope tells them to do, that is wrong. They are not going to follow what the Pope tells them."

"Right from the beginning Swamiji has been telling you they don’t have to leave their path. They can be in their own spiritual path. He [Swamiji] will help them to follow their own path, but he will never ask them to deviate for their path. When he[Swamiji] has very clearly mentioned that earlier, there is no need to cross examine him [Swamiji] in this way. Understand? Swamiji told you that he will only help to guide you. He will never ask you to come out of your religion or path".

"Yes. If it is a prayer then it is a mantra. In which ever language you pray, it still remains a mantra."

"For all the worlds, not just this one single sun you see. There are many suns in the universe. The same Triune is the god for all of them. Brahma-Vishnu-Maheshwara (Shiva) are the gods for all the worlds in the universe."

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